Pricing Analytics

Discountics™ enables proactive management of your demand plans by producing targeted discounting strategies for product mix, product line or product bundle. The analytical and simulation capabilities of Discountics™ help the understanding of the effect discount pricing has on your business as well as the market. Flexible modeling, execution and what-if scenarios enable the formulation of unique discounting strategies to optimize your sales performance.
- Actively monitor demand and inventory plans
- Proactively identify demand supply imbalances
- Proactively manage product and demand life cycle dynamics
- Proactively manage demand elasticity and competitive pricing dynamics
- Mathematically analyze, simulate and optimize mark downs, discounts, coupons and other pricing solutions to uncover and solve demand problems

InstaPricer™ is a sales execution system designed to improve customer touch points with accurate and well designed pricing strategies. Employ InstaPricerTM to reduce cycle time for deploying targeted solutions to customer and demand problems.
- Work with existing investments in SAP, Oracle and Microsoft and IBM sales systems
- Web services enabled, highly scalable, reliable and flexible execution system
- Rapidly deploy pricing optimization generated pricing policies without error
- Support manufacturer, dealer, distributor, retailer model pricing contracts
- Generate intelligent quotes for large purchase orders with volume discounts based on historical and future pricing

InstaRecommend™ is a sales execution system designed to improve customer touch points with a wide variety of contextually targeted recommendations. Employ InstaRecommendTM to reduce the cycle time for deploying targeted solutions to handle customer and demand problems.
- Works with existing investments in SAP, Oracle and Microsoft and IBM sales systems
- Web services enabled, highly scalable, reliable and flexible execution system
- Rapidly deploy dynamic and highly targeted needs analysis-based product/bundle recommendations
- Support structured and unstructured collaboration with partners, manufacturers, dealers, distributors, and retailers to provide real-time shopping assistance